Book Title : Handbook of Hope: Theory, Measures, and Applications
Author/Editor : C. R. Snyder
Language : English
ISBN – 10 : 0123992583
ISBN – 13 : 978-0123992581
Publisher : Academic Press
Date : April 26, 2000
Price : $ 120
About Author/Editor :
Book Description : Hope has previously been a construct more of interest to philosophy and religion than in psychology. New research has shown, however, that hope is closely related to optimism, feelings of control, and motivation toward achieving one's goals. The Handbook of Hope presents a comprehensive overview of the psychological inquiry into hope, including its measurement, its development in children, how its loss is associated with specific clinical disorders, and therapeutic approaches that can help instill hope in those who have lost theirs. A final section discusses hope in occupational applications: how the use of hope can make one a better coach, teacher, or parent.
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