Book Title : The High Performance Organization
Author/Editor : Linda
Language : English
ISBN – 10 : 0750656204
ISBN – 13 : 978-0750656207
Publisher : Routledge; 1 edition
Date : March 2, 2005
Price : $ 68.95
About Author/Editor :
Book Description : Increased global competition, aided and abetted by
technology, has meant that organizations in every sector are having to
compete on the basis of speed, cost, quality, innovation, flexibility and
customer-responsiveness. If organizations wish to be able to compete
successfully in the global marketplace, they need to develop innovative
products and services quickly and cost-effectively.
The High Performance Organization provides invaluable information and practical tools for people engaged in leading organizational change efforts as an executive, line manager, HR practitioner or change agent. This practical text is grounded in organizational reality as well as having a sound theoretical setting. Illustrative case studies have been drawn from consultancy practice and a wide range of current research. |
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