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Showing posts with label PSIKOLOGI SOSIAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSIKOLOGI SOSIAL. Show all posts

[Ebook] Psychology, Religion, And Spirituality

Book Title : Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality

Author/Editor : James M. Nelson
Language : English
ISBN – 10 : 978-0387875729
ISBN – 13 : 0387875727
Publisher : Springer; 2009 edition
Date : February 27, 2009
Price : $ 42.06
About Author/Editor :
Book Description : Over a century ago, psychologists who were fascinated with religion began to study and write about it. Theologians and religious practitioners have responded to this literature, producing a fascinating dialogue that deals with our fundamental und- standings about the human person and our place in the world. This book provides an introduction to the important conversations that have developed out of these interchanges. The dialogue between psychology and religion is difficult to study for a number of reasons. First, it requires knowledge of both psychology and religion. People with a background in psychology often lack a solid understanding of the religious traditions they wish to study, and theologians may not be up to date on the latest developments in psychology. Second, it requires conceptual tools to organize the material and understand the basic problems involved in any attempt to connect the science of psychology with religion. These concepts can be found in many places, for instance in the writings of philosophers of science, but they are complex and often hard to follow for those without a proper theological and philosophical ba- ground. Finally, authors who write on the topic come to the study of psychology and religion from a variety of academic and personal backgrounds. This makes for wonderful diversity in conversations, but it makes understanding and mastery of the material quite difficult.

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[Ebook] Handbook Of Hope Theory, Measure, & Applications

Book Title : Handbook of Hope: Theory, Measures, and Applications

Author/Editor : C. R. Snyder
Language : English
ISBN – 10 : 0123992583
ISBN – 13 : 978-0123992581
Publisher : Academic Press
Date : April 26, 2000
Price : $ 120
About Author/Editor :
Book Description : Hope has previously been a construct more of interest to philosophy and religion than in psychology. New research has shown, however, that hope is closely related to optimism, feelings of control, and motivation toward achieving one's goals. The Handbook of Hope presents a comprehensive overview of the psychological inquiry into hope, including its measurement, its development in children, how its loss is associated with specific clinical disorders, and therapeutic approaches that can help instill hope in those who have lost theirs. A final section discusses hope in occupational applications: how the use of hope can make one a better coach, teacher, or parent.

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[Video] Aku Peduli - EspiraTV

Aku peduli
Tapi masa depan bangsaku
Itu bukan yang paling penting buat aku
Duit banyak
Hidup senang
Jauh lebih penting dari
Aku yakin dan pasti
Ada harapan
Negaraku masih menjunjung moral yang tinggi
Tapi itu gak bakal bertahan
Nafsu lebih dinomor satukan
Trend menunjukkan
Anak cucu kita akan menuai kebobrokan kita
Aku nggak percaya
Indonesia akan tetap jaya
Memandang ke depan aku melihat
Degradasi moral melanda anak muda
Kawin cerai apa salahnya?
Korupsi udah jadi budaya
Video mesum, itu mah biasa
Nggak bisa dibilang lagi
Masih ada yang peduli akan bansa ini
Udah jelas banget
Generasi ini udah hancur dan gak ada harapan
Sungguh sedih dan konyol kalau kita pikir
Kita bisa menjadikan dunia ini lebih baik

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