Title : Biobehavioral Resilience To Stress
Language : English
ISBN – 10 : 1420071777
ISBN – 13 : 978-1420071771
Publisher : CRC Press; 1 edition
Date : March 19, 2008
Price : $ 82.51
About Author/Editor :
Book Description : Military service
involves exposure to multiple sources of chronic, acute, and potentially
traumatic stress, especially during deployment and combat. Notoriously
variable, the effects of stress can be subtle to severe, immediate or
delayed, impairing individual and group readiness, operational performance,
and—ultimately—survival. A comprehensive compilation on the state of the
science, Biobehavioral
Resilience to Stress identifies key
factors and characteristics that are essential to a scientifically useful and
behaviorally predictive understanding of resilience to stress.
Contributions from Uniquely Qualified Military and Civilian Experts
Initiated by the Military Operational Medicine Research Directorate of
the US Army Medical Research and Material Command (USAMRMC), this seminal
volume integrates recent research and experience from military and civilian
experts in behavioral and social sciences, human performance, and physiology.
Each chapter is grounded in vigorous research with emphasis on relevance to a
variety of real-world operations and settings, including extreme environments
encountered in modern war.
Logical Progression, Cross-Disciplinary Appeal
Organized into four sections, the text
begins with a discussion of the relevant aspects of stress in the context of
military life to offer civilian readers a window into contemporary military
priorities. Later chapters consider biological, physiological, and genetic factors,
psychosocial aspects of resilience, and “community capacity” variables that
influence psychological responses to stressful events. This multidisciplinary
effort concludes with an overview of emergent themes and related issues to
advance the science of resilience toward predictive research, theory, and
application for all those—military and civilian—who serve in the national
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