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Showing posts with label PSIKOLOGI KONTEMPORER. Show all posts

[Ebook] Appreciative Inquiry : A Positive Revolution In Change

[Ebook] Appreciative Inquiry : A Positive Revolution In Change

Book Title : Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change

Author / Editor : David L Cooperrider  (Author)
Language : English
ISBN – 10  : 1576753565
ISBN – 13 : 978-1576753569
Publisher : Berrett-Koehler Publishers; 1 edition
Date : October 10, 2005
Price : $ 12.83
Editorial Reviews :

Appreciative Inquiry gets everyone to focus on what’s possible through interactive discovery and design sessions. The output has been amazing. -- Jim Staley, President, Roadway Express

I would like to commend [the authors] for Appreciative Inquiry, and for introducing it to the United Nations. -- Kofi Annan, Secretary General, United Nations
About the Author
David L. Cooperrider, Ph.D. is professor and chair of the Program on Business as an Agent of World Benefit at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western University. Diana K. Whitney, Ph.D. is president of Corporation for Positive Change and cofounder of the Taos Institute and a Distinguished Consulting Faculty at Saybrook Graduate School. She is the author of five books on AI, including The Power of Appreciative Inquiry.

Book Description : Written by the originators and leaders of the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) movement itself, this short, practical guide offers an approach to organizational change based on the possibility of a more desirable future, experience with the whole system, and activities that signal ""something different is happening this time."" That difference systematically taps the potential of human beings to make themselves, their organizations, and their communities more adaptive and more effective. AI, a theory of collaborative change, erases the winner/loser paradigm in favor of coordinated actions and closer relationships that lead to solutions at once simpler and more effective.

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-Hamba Allah. Umat Rosulullah. An Ordinary Human-

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[Ebook] Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management: Using AI to Facilitate Organizational Development

[Ebook] Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management: Using AI to Facilitate Organizational Development

Book Title : Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management: Using AI to Facilitate Organizational Development

Author / Editor : Sarah Lewis  (Author), Jonathan Passmore  (Author), Stefan Cantore (Author)
Language : English
ISBN – 10  : 0749463554
ISBN – 13 : 978-0749463557
Publisher : Kogan Page
Date : August 15, 2011
Price : $ 25.66
Editorial Reviews :

Praise for the previous edition: 

"This book will change the way we talk, relate, and think about change. The authors unpack the meaning and significance of Appreciative Inquiry and the positive revolution in 'conversation-based change' with powerful stories and brilliantly clear writing. It is a remarkable how to book that perfectly blends theory, practice and life-empowering perspectives. A must read for anyone interested in leading with hope and optimism, and creating the future through the collaborative engagement of our highest human strengths."
(Prof. David Cooperrider Case Western Reserve University)
About the Author
Sarah Lewis is an occupational psychologist and a founding member of the Association of Business Psychologists.

Jonathan Passmore is an occupational psychologist and the author of Excellence in Coaching, published by Kogan Page in association with the Association for Coaching.

Stefan Cantore is a consultant in the areas of leadership and management development
Book Description : Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is one of the most exciting and increasingly recognized concepts being used to facilitate organizational change. This book studies AI in depth, illustrating the method of asking particular questions and encouraging staff to consider both the positive and negative systems in place and to recognize the need to implement change. It demonstrates how AI can be applied by combining the skills, perspectives and approaches presented here into a practical conversational approach to organizational challenges. Case studies from organizations that have already integrated conversational methods into their change management practice show why the processes are valuable, why they are effective, and how to generate such conversations. Written in jargon-free language, Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management is an excellent resource for discovering the benefits that conversational techniques can have on an organization and its performance.

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-Hamba Allah. Umat Rosulullah. An Ordinary Human-

[Ebook] Appreciative Intelligence: Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acorn

[Ebook] Appreciative Intelligence: Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acorn

Book Title : Appreciative Intelligence: Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acorn

Author / Editor : Tojo Thatchenkery (Author), Carol Metzker (Author)
Language : English
ISBN – 10  : 1576753530
ISBN – 13 : 978-1576753538
Publisher : Berrett-Koehler Publishers; Annotated edition
Date : May 2, 2006
Price : $ 23.25
Editorial Reviews :

From the Inside Flap
"In this thought-provoking and lucidly written book, Thatchenkery and Metzker provide a compelling justification for the notion of ‘Appreciative Intelligence.’ This is what endows successful leaders with the qualities of persistence, conviction, comfort with uncertainty, and resilience to overcome challenges. This book is a must-read for all those grappling with the issue of leadership in a dynamic, complex, and confusing world." —Dr. V. Nilakant, Associate Dean, Faculty of Commerce, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
"Thatchenkery and Metzker see enormous potential in all of us to create new and more promising futures, and this work invites us all to share the same inspiring vision. It is a vision I find enormously compelling and for which we should all be appreciative." —Kenneth J. Gergen, Mustin Professor of Psychology, Swarthmore College

"Appreciative Intelligence is a book and an idea that opens new possibilities for seeing how people and organizations create value and achieve success. Appreciative Intelligence is an inspiring and practical account of how to develop the capacity to see potential within the present and to develop this capacity within oneself and in others." —Jane E. Dutton, William Russell Kelly Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Psychology, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan

"Stunning! Going one step beyond appreciative inquiry, Thatchenkery and Metzker have made an exciting contribution to the new field of positive organizational scholarship. This book will forever change how you think about intelligence." —Robert Kramer, PhD, and Director, Executive Education Programs, American University

About the Author
Tojo Thatchenkery is currently the Associate Professor of Organizational Learning at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. and holds a Ph.D. in organisational behavior from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. Carol Metzker has a Masters degree in Organisational learning from George Mason University in Fairfax, VA and has over 15 years experience in communications and corporate environments.

Book Description : The secret to success lies in something that everyone has the ability to do: reframe reality to reveal the hidden potential within even the most apparently unpromising present. ""Appreciative Intelligence marks the first time that this ability has been rigorously investigated. Arguing that the keys to Appreciative Intelligence are revealing the hidden value in others and building an infrastructure, environment, or culture that spreads the leader's Appreciative Intelligence, Tojo Thatchenkery and Carol Metzker draw on real-life examples and thorough interviews with top executives to identify actual examples of this elusive ability. Through these examples they show how a knack for creatively dealing with unexpected situations is the common bond between a diverse range of success stories. The authors also show that time and time again, an understanding of Appreciative Intelligence leads to organizations that enjoy higher levels of innovation, more productive employees, greater ability to adapt to changes, and, ultimately, greater profit.

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-Hamba Allah. Umat Rosulullah. An Ordinary Human-

[Ebook] Appreciative Coaching A Positive Process For Change

[Ebook] Appreciative Coaching A Positive Process For Change


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[Ebook] Artificial Intelligence


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[Ebook] Advance In Appreciative Inquiry



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