Title : Spirituality and the Therapeutic Process: A
Comprehensive Resource from Intake to Termination
Author/Editor : Jamie D. Aten & Mark M.
Language : English
ISBN – 10 : 1433803739
ISBN – 13 : 978-1433803734
Publisher : American Psychological
Association (APA), 1 edition
Date : January 1,
Price : $ 38.43
About Author/Editor :
Book Description : This
book is for therapists who want to enhance their effectiveness with clients
whose spirituality is a salient part of their worldview. Whether or not the
therapist has a spiritual background, the authors demonstrate that it is
possible to honor clients' spiritual experience from the beginning to the end
of the therapeutic process.Practical strategies, techniques, and examples are
used to show how spirituality can influence each stage of treatment from
before the clinical intake, starting with an understanding of ethical
practice guidelines and therapist self-awareness, through termination.
Self-reflection questions, diverse case examples, and a multiple session case
study chapter are provided to build readers' understanding and ability to
incorporate spirituality into counseling and psychotherapy.Practitioners in a
broad variety of fields, including counseling and clinical psychology,
counselor education, and marriage and family therapy will find this book to
be a rich source of ideas for examining and modifying their practice. The
authors discuss therapist self-awareness tools such as genogram,
autobiography, journaling, and mindfulness; recommendations for overcoming
biases toward spirituality; and how an agency's climate, referral sources,
and intake forms can discourage or set the stage for discussing the
spiritual.The chapters provide example probing questions and assessment
instruments for exploring how spirituality can be a source of strength or
confound problems, and present sample treatment plans that address various
encounters with clients' spirituality. The authors demonstrate how meaning
systems theory can inform case conceptualization and how spiritual
discussions and interventions can be part of cognitive behavioral,
interpersonal, psychodynamic, and humanistic therapies.The book also prepares
readers for spiritual issues that frequently arise in termination, even if
spirituality had not been a focus in previous sessions.
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