Title : The Theory and Practice of Vocal Psychotherapy: Songs of the Self
Author/Editor : Diane
Austin, DA, ACMT, LCAT,
Language : English
ISBN – 10 : 184310878X
ISBN – 13 : 978-1843108788
Publisher : Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Date : January
6, 2009
Price : $ 40.06
About Author/Editor : Diane Austin, DA, ACMT, LCAT, received her Doctorate in
Music Therapy from New York University. She has maintained a private practice
in music psychotherapy for the past 20 years with offices in Manhattan and
Sag Harbor, New York. Diane is the Executive Director of The Music
Psychotherapy Center and an associate professor in the Graduate Music Therapy
program at New York University. Widely published in books and journals, she
lectures and teaches nationally and internationally, integrating the theories
and ideas from Depth Psychology with the practice of music therapy and the
use of the voice in the therapeutic process. Diane lives in Sag Harbor, New
York with her husband and Amazon parrot.
Book Description : The voice
is the most powerful and widely used instrument in music therapy. This book
demonstrates the enormous possibilities for personal change and growth using
a new, voice-based model of psychotherapy where the sounds of the voice are
expressed, listened to and interpreted in order to access unconscious aspects
of the self and retrieve memories, images and feelings from the past.
Combining theory with practice, the book explains the foundations of vocal
psychotherapy and goes on to explore its usage in clinical practice and the
various techniques involved. The book integrates important concepts from
depth psychology such as regression, re-enactment and working with
transference and counter-transference with the practice of vocal music
therapy. Drawing on over twenty years of research, the author uses case
studies to illustrate specific vocal interventions, including improvisation
techniques such as vocal holding, free associative singing and psycho
dramatic singing" Vocal Psychotherapy" highlights the value of
voice work as an integral part of the psychotherapeutic process and provides
a model of advanced clinical work that will be essential reading for music
and creative arts therapists.
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