[Ebook] Appreciative Inquiry : A Positive Revolution In Change

[Ebook] Appreciative Inquiry : A Positive Revolution In Change

Book Title : Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change

Author / Editor : David L Cooperrider  (Author)
Language : English
ISBN – 10  : 1576753565
ISBN – 13 : 978-1576753569
Publisher : Berrett-Koehler Publishers; 1 edition
Date : October 10, 2005
Price : $ 12.83
Editorial Reviews :

Appreciative Inquiry gets everyone to focus on what’s possible through interactive discovery and design sessions. The output has been amazing. -- Jim Staley, President, Roadway Express

I would like to commend [the authors] for Appreciative Inquiry, and for introducing it to the United Nations. -- Kofi Annan, Secretary General, United Nations
About the Author
David L. Cooperrider, Ph.D. is professor and chair of the Program on Business as an Agent of World Benefit at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western University. Diana K. Whitney, Ph.D. is president of Corporation for Positive Change and cofounder of the Taos Institute and a Distinguished Consulting Faculty at Saybrook Graduate School. She is the author of five books on AI, including The Power of Appreciative Inquiry.

Book Description : Written by the originators and leaders of the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) movement itself, this short, practical guide offers an approach to organizational change based on the possibility of a more desirable future, experience with the whole system, and activities that signal ""something different is happening this time."" That difference systematically taps the potential of human beings to make themselves, their organizations, and their communities more adaptive and more effective. AI, a theory of collaborative change, erases the winner/loser paradigm in favor of coordinated actions and closer relationships that lead to solutions at once simpler and more effective.

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-Hamba Allah. Umat Rosulullah. An Ordinary Human-

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[Ebook] Appreciative Inquiry : A Positive Revolution In Change
Item Reviewed: [Ebook] Appreciative Inquiry : A Positive Revolution In Change 9 out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.
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