[Ebook] The Psychology Of Leadership

Book Title : The Psychology of Leadership: New Perspectives and Research (Series in Organization and Management)

Author/Editor : David M. Messick and Roderick M. Kramer
Language : English
ISBN – 10 : 0805840958
ISBN – 13 : 978-0805840957
Publisher : Psychology Press
Date : August 4, 2004
Price : $ 48.12
About Author/Editor : Roderick M. Kramer is the William R. Kimball Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, where he has been a professor since 1985. He is the author of more than 175 scholarly articles, and his work has appeared in leading academic journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, as well as in popular journals such as the Harvard Business Review. He is also co-author of numerous books, including Negotiation in Social Contexts, The Psychology of the Social Self, Trust in Organizations, Power and Influence in Organizations, The Psychology of Leadership, Trust and Distrust Within Organizations, Organizational Trust, Social Decision Making, Restoring Trust in Organizations and Leaders, Contemporary Conceptions of Leadership and the forthcoming Handbook of Innovative Qualitative Methods. Professor Kramer has been a Visiting Scholar at numerous institutions, including the Bellagio Center, London Business School, Oxford University, Harvard Business School, Harvard Kennedy School, and Stanford's Hoover Institution. He research has explored numerous topics, including the psychology of presidential judgment and decision making, trust, cooperation, personal and society identity, creativity and the psychology of happiness and meaning.
Book Description : In this book, some of the world's leading scholars come together to describe their thinking and research on the topic of the psychology of leadership. Most of the chapters were originally presented as papers at a research conference held in 2001 at the Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University. The contributions span traditional social psychological areas, as well as organizational theory; examining leadership as a psychological process and as afforded by organizational constraints and opportunities. The editors' goal was not to focus the chapters on a single approach to the study and conceptualization of leadership but rather to display the diversity of issues that surround the topic.

Leadership scholars have identified a host of approaches to the study of leadership. What are the personal characteristics of leaders? What is the nature of the relation between leaders and followers? Why do we perceive some people to be better leaders than others? What are the circumstances that evoke leadership qualities in people? Can leadership be taught? And so on. The contributions to this book examine these important questions and fall into three categories: conceptions of leadership, factors that influence the effectiveness of leadership, and the consequences and effects of leadership on the leader. All in all, the chapters of this volume display part of a broad spectrum of novel and important approaches to the study of the psychology of leadership. We hope that they are equally useful to those who are or would be leaders and to those who study the topic. As recent events have served to remind us, it is too important a topic to be ignored by psychologists.

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[Ebook] The Psychology Of Leadership
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