[Ebook] Strategic Career Management (The HR Series)

Book Title : Strategic Career Management (The HR Series)

Author/Editor : Jane Yarnal
Language : English
Publisher : Routledge
Date : October 1, 2007
Price : $ 56.95
About Author/Editor :
Book Description : Organizations need to develop and retain their talent, and managing careers in a strategic fashion is critical to achieving this. 

This book takes a practical approach to help you make strategic career management work both for the talent you want to retain and for the organization they work in.

It will help you to:

- Improve your strategic career management
- Improve employee retention
- Develop a business case for careers 
- Design and develop critical processes to support your strategy
- Explore best practice examples from other organizations
- Evaluate your progress

Other titles in the HR Series:

Organization Design (Stanford)
Transforming HR (Reddington, Williamson and Withers)
HR - The Business Partner (Kenton and Yarnall)
The Changing World of the Trainer (Sloman) publishing March 2007
Change, Conflict and the Corporate Community (Kenton and Penn) publishing June 2007

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[Ebook] Strategic Career Management (The HR Series)
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